My go-to editor for python development is VSCode. However, there were a few times where I used to waste a lot of time in fixing silly mistakes, particularly while calling the methods or variables of an object. I noticed that when we invoke a wrong method call for an object, vs-code doesn’t hightlight it. It highlights only the incorrect methods, variables or modules in the local namespace.

So, I tried to give pycharm a try. However, I soon realised the common keyboard shortcuts that were on my fingertips in VSCode and which made my development easier were needed in pycharm too. This is a post where is list down some of the shortcuts that I use frequetly. I listed it down here so that I can refer to this in the future.

Note: Pycharm is developed by Intellij. So these shortcuts will remain common for all the IDEs created by Intellij

Open files / dialogs

Command Description
⌘ E Open Dialog contaning the list of recently opened files
fn ⌥ 9 Open / Toggle git tool window
fn ⌥ f12 Open / Toggle terminal emulator
Command Description
fn ⌘ ← Go to the top of the file
fn ⌘ → Go to the end of the file
⌃ G Select the current / next word under the cursor
⌃ ⇧ G Unselect the next occurence
⌃ ⌘ G Select all occurrences
⌘ G Go to next occurence
⌘ L Go to line
Command Description
⌘ B Go to definition
⌥ ⌘ ← Go back to the previous cursor location
⌥ ⌘ → Go forward to the previous cursor location
fn ⌥ f7 Find usage of the word under the cursor

Add code

Command Description
fn ⌥ ↩ Import name under the cursor